Open Call for Participation
Submit your works until 2024-07-15
A publication on
and (re-)interpreting fictions,
and imaginaries
Fictions, speculations, and imaginaries have long been
a topic, a format, and a vehicle in our art/design
works. Over the years, a respectable collection of
works tapping into these topics has been developed,
exhibited, and discussed. We now feel it is time to
revisit these efforts, collect them, and compile them
into an equally respectable publication.
This is a *Call for Participation* to all students and
alumni of Digital Media, as well as PhD candidates.
Students of Integrated Design and Freie Kunst are also
welcome to participate. We are looking for works that
craft, visualize, and (re-)interpret fictions,
speculations, and imaginaries to shape, challenge, and
discuss predominant cultural, social, and
technological narratives.
Please submit your works by MON 2024-07-15 in this form.
The publication will comprise documentations of 20
works and will be published as a printed book as part
of The Dynamic Archive publication series. The
publication will be edited by Dennis P Paul &
Henrik Nieratschker and is scheduled to be released in
early 2025.
In the context of the publication, we will also offer
two optional (but highly recommended) writing
workshops with Franzi Bauer and Tim Holland. These
workshops will explore the intricate relationships
between art/design works and written text. They are
also an opportunity to sharpen existing texts and
art/design works for the publication.
If you have any questions or want to talk, feel free
to contact us directly: